
My Company

Desktop Financial Software for Your Small Business

Just create invoices, the software will do the rest!

Automatically generated reports: Stock List, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Turnover, Profit and Loss

Run Your Business Easily – No Accounting Knowledge Needed

Desktop financial software for full financial and material insight of your business

No Accounting Skills Required

All the features are simply designed so you can quickly set My Company to fit your business needs. It is the most easy and intuitive software. No complicated installations or extensive training.

Save Your Time and Effort

My Company organizes all your business activities so, you can spend less time on paperwork and more time on the work you love.

Online Support

You have questions about some feature? We will send you .pdf and video tutorials to find your answer. We uploaded detailed description for every single feature.

Keep Your Data Safe on Your Computer

Eliminate the chance to lose your data in the cloud!

My Company is a desktop financial software designed to give you full financial and material insight of your business. Nowadays trends keep forcing the fact to use cloud – based solution. But there are many examples for hacking
business data, loosing or otherwise manipulating with it!

The best way to keep your data safe and secure is on your computer, USB or hard – disk.

Predefined business documents

No installation costs


Stock list


Tax calculation

Businesses From All Industries Can Start Working Today

My company can fit with any business industry!

Our customers vary from food stores and auto-dealers, to beauty shops, convenience stores and many more. Just tell us your business process and we can show you how it works with My Company!

Don’t spend another minute wondering if your business can work with My Company. We challenge you to download the free trial period and to ensure how quickly, easily and smoothly you can start create invoices branded with
your own logo!

As we already said: Your job will be just to enter invoices! Let the software do the rest!

Plus to make your start easier we will provide you with detailed .PDF and video tutorial for every functionality!

List of Functionalities You Can Use

Analytical Data
  • Customers
  • Manufacturers
  • Product Groups
  • Products
  • Tax
  • Cities and Countiries
  • Warehouses
  • Stores
  • Currencies
  • Expenses
  • Norms
Business Documents
  • Invoices
  • Pro-forma Invoices
  • Foreign Invoices
  • Incoming Invoices
  • Incoming Foreign Invoice
  • Forwarding List
  • Void Invoice
  • Receipt
  • Customer Analytical Card
  • Turnover
  • Product Analytical Card
  • Product Group Analytical Card
  • Stock List
  • Keep track of wholesale insights
  • Keep track of retail insights
  • Financial report of each wholesale/store
  • Financial Report

Pricing List:

Free Trial

Try it for free for 30 days

Download free trial

Perpetual License

Perpetual license for only $29

Buy Now


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Sakala 7-2, 10141 Tallinn – Estonia

Navetika DOOEL

1647 no. 22 A2/1, 1000 Skopje – N. Macedonia